Black History Today: Chris Chatmon, using his gift in service of the Kings and Queens

Black History Today: Chris Chatmon, using his gift in service of the Kings and Queens

One of the greatest gifts, if not the greatest, is walking alongside someone else and encouraging them as they uncover their own gift. Then finding another and another to walk beside, giving the gift of being a gift, in service to others.

To do this with people is work, but very doable. To do this and begin to create systemic and institutional change, that is a gift in and within itself. When I think about people who hold that gift, brotha Chris Chatmon comes to mind.

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Black History Today: Keith B. Wheeler, sharing his message of H.O.P.E.

Black History Today: Keith B. Wheeler, sharing his message of H.O.P.E.

From the streets of Seattle that many don’t even know exist, to finding himself at Washington State University (the one mistake we can’t forgive him for 😂), to becoming a teacher on the rise back home in the neighborhoods he walked, realizing that there was more and a call to his life.

Keith B. Wheeler now lives in the hope that he espouses, traveling the country and giving to others the gift that has been given to him, never stopping short of acknowledging his own flaws and blemishes, while making sure to point out that it's those things that make us unique.

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Black History Today: Cornelius Minor, passionate educator teaching reading as a pathway to liberation

Black History Today: Cornelius Minor, passionate educator teaching reading as a pathway to liberation

If you’ve been fortunate enough to be successful in spaces, you know for people of color, especially Black men, the higher up you climb the lonelier it tends to get.

Ten years ago I was told I had to meet Cornelius Minor. I knew immediately we were being put on a Black professional “play date” 😂. While I respected the thought, I wasn’t that enthused.

I’ve never been more proud to be wrong.

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Black History Today: Jameel Shabazz, undercover community hero

Black History Today: Jameel Shabazz, undercover community hero

We all strive to make a difference in our community. One of the staples of the Black community, especially for its men, is the barbershop.

That is one detailed relationship that many men are more loyal to than their local sports teams. It’s a place of political, familial, familiar, sports, health, religion... you name it, it happens in the shop.

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Black History Today: Jaebadiah Gardner, who makes it his business to build community

This post is part of an ongoing Black History Month series written by Marcus Harden, a pillar of the South Seattle community and a truly unsung hero, as he honors the living legacy of Black history in his neighborhood and beyond, and recognizes the people who are shaping the future.

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I love Black History Month. It should be weekly. That said, enough folks are posting history. I’m inspired to honor people who are shaping today and tomorrow. History is today.

So for 28 days, I just want to shout out to (s)heroes and heroes whom are living history, now.

First is a brotha I call my mentor. I’ve known him for close to 15 years, and he’s always had his eyes on making things better for his people (black and brown folks) without apology.

He’s got his hands on the pulse of the business and economic scene in Seattle and does it with swag. The motto is simple: build it yourself. And he’s doing that, for everyone else.

So mad love and respect to Jaebadiah S Gardner for making Black history, today.

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